Couse House / About
About the Couse Home and Collections
The Couse house is still furnished with the original furniture and household items that belonged to the artist and his wife. Paintings from various periods of Couse's career are on view in his studio and other parts of the house.
The Couses' collections of early New Mexico furniture and santos, Blue Willow china, and objects of copper, brass, and pewter decorate the living room and dining room.
The artist's studio still remains a magical place. It contains the Native American pottery, costumes, beadwork, and other artifacts, that he used in his paintings. In the corner an unfinished painting and his artist's brushes and palette seem to await his return.
The artist's archive, providing extensive research possibilities for historians, includes records and sketchbooks, correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, art and photographic equipment, and the artist's library.
The Site is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the New Mexico Register of Cultural Properties, and is a National Trust Historic Artist's Home and Studio.
A brief tour of the Couse Home and Studio conducted by Ginnie and Ernie Leavitt.